We work with two independent BASIS and FACTS qualified agronomists who each look after specific blocks of land.
Both provide an advice only service, so that we are not tied into purchasing from any particular manufacturer and can therefore use the best product for the task. Working with two agronomists allows us to benefit from differing expertise; and to challenge application options and decisions.
We are members of the AF Group, which is the largest agricultural purchasing group in the UK, to benefit from bulk purchasing power when procuring farm inputs, and these savings contribute significantly to reducing the costs of growing crops. We benchmark our purchases to ensure we are receiving good value from our suppliers and follow fuel and fertiliser markets in order to manage the risks of input price volatility.
Independence in decision making is essential for us to ensure we are in complete control of our business. We have a highly skilled team on the farm, but we also work with independent experts from various areas of the industry to complement our in-house knowledge. YAGRO are industry leaders in farm commercial data insight and analysis. We use their advanced tech platform & support services to build cost saving plans that help us ensure our variable cost spend is kept as low as possible, and that we are making the best commercial decisions for our business.